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Archive for December 24th, 2009

Common Meta Tags Used Website Pageo

Posted by venkatramseo on December 24, 2009

A Meta tag is a hidden tag that lives in the of an HTML document. It main purpose for supply additional information about the HTML document. The Meta tag has three possible attributes content, http-equiv, and name. Meta tags always provide information in a value/name pair. The name and http-equiv attributes provide the name information and the content provides the value information. Meta tags do not have a closing tag.

This attribute will always be found in a well formed Meta tag. It provides the brief information about website page.

This is the name portion in the name value pair. You can use any name that you would like or that might be useful to you. Some common names are:

* keywords – words that identify what the page is about, usually used in search engines

* description – a short description of the page

* robots – to allow or disallow indexing by robots

* author – the author’s name and possibly email address

* copyright – the copyright date of the page


This attribute is also a name for the name/value pair, but it is used by the server to include that name/value pair in the MIME document header passed to the Web browser before sending the actual HTML document. Some common http-equiv types are:

* charset – defines the character set used in the page

* refresh – sets the number of seconds to reload the page or reload to a new page
Reload the page every 10 seconds:

* expires – when the document will be out of date

Reload to a new page after 10 seconds:

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