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SEO Companies say Client Interaction is Required

Posted by venkatramseo on July 25, 2009

When companies choose to use search engine optimization (SEO) to boost their online visibility by choosing an outside company they may believe taking a hands-off approach, but a new assessment seems to specify that is not what SEO companies want.

A new study from Search Engine committee finds that almost all search engine optimization (SEO) companies want their clients to have a few interactions in the process. In fact, only three percent of respondents said they would like no interaction.

An overwhelming 84 percent said they feel client interaction is a significant part of a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign with another twelve percent saying that a slight interaction would be fine.

With a rising number of businesses turning to search engine optimization and other online marketing promotion tools, it will increasingly become essential for them to get concerned in the process.

One Response to “SEO Companies say Client Interaction is Required”

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